Why would someone buy a place on Roatan or another Off-shore location?

For many years we have heard many reasons. Some of those are for reasons involving investment, weather, mid and/or later life adventures, lower cost of living, and vacation homes.

Has that changed in the past few years? I think if you ask any real estate professional in the Caribbean and Central America your answer will be an overwhelming YES!

What new reason? More and more we are hearing clients say the reason they are looking is FREEDOM. The stark reality of it is that
this country is freer. This country has a hundred + pages of tax codes. The U.S. has over 6200 pages, (I believe it is now), with new tax law coming into effect at a rate of one a day or more. Taxes are another huge reason. Many seniors or about to become seniors looking to get assets off-shore and under less of a ever overlooking by various tax entities. I am not talking just a few people here and there. We are talking MILLIONS of people have already left in the past few years.

Did you know that this week the U.S. Federal Government issued a new regulation limiting the quantity of ceiling fans you are allowed to have in your home?

With three major U.S. Airlines servicing the island of Roatan itself, a two + hour flight from the shores of the U.S. and airline mileage credit cards in every wallet, it seems like Roatan should be a place on your short list. Does FREEDOM still ring? From the point of view of many I am sure it does. Maybe just not as loudly there as it used to.




