Utila Information

January of this year (2014) we announced that RE/MAX would at that time be doing business with ‘boots on the ground’ on Utila. This is something I had thought about for years but really could just not find the right people to do that. People that were honest, hard working and knowledgeable. On the downside for me I have spent almost 15 years on Roatan and had only been to Utila a handful of times.  Again, I needed the right people. I found them and we are there to serve.

The following is a great web site to give you all the information you can ask for about diving, hotels, things to do and of course real estate by clicking on the RE/MAX logo.  Check the site out and maybe spend a day. CM Airlines even does a ‘Day Trip’ there on Saturdays for those who are traveling Sunday to Sunday or Monday to Monday.    Check it out by clicking right here –


Julie         Julie

Mark-Smith  Mark whale-shark-altons-2014-editWhale Sharks Kerrie-with-SeaStar-1 Nice Beaches