Tired of the quantity of taxes you pay?

Taxes seem to be something that almost every citizen of North American and European countries have pretty much have become part of their regular thought process. It seems that hardly a day goes by without a news item talking about a new tax, or an increase of an old tax.

With the U.S. IRS tax code almost 74,000 pages long now I consider myself very fortunate that that the Honduran tax code is only a couple hundred pages long. Sometimes less is more.

One of the newer ‘market segments’ looking for property on the island has been a larger quantity of people researching looking to relocate, live here full time and visit ‘there’ where ever ‘there’ may be. Starting a business in another country does not require you to be a citizen of that new country, just being a resident and often you do not even have to do that.

The below link explains the IRS over $96,000 tax deduction for actually moving? Check it out.


Do you want some entrepreneurial options? Full time, part time. Drop me a line and I will send you a list of options.

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Main Street Mall